our friends from BTS
Thanks tom!
Tom had wise words for all of us in his final keynote The 17% Club. One of the ten most important things to do was “Run your business on a framework and my personal favorite is EOS.” As a sponsor of BTS and a member of Mastery Partners, I and my fellow EOS implementers would like to provide you with the EOS Book of your choice.
Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business. Traction is a best-seller and Gino’s first book. It shows you the benefits of EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System, the framework we implement for companies with ten to hundreds of employees.
Get a Grip. Is the second most popular EOS book presented as a fable about a company like yours. You will relate!
Rocket Fuel. Are you a visionary or an integrator? Who are the senior leaders in an EOS company and how can they be most effective?
Get everyone on board with What the Heck is EOS? Pass it around.
How to be a Great Boss gives you practical lessons on how to instill accountability throughout your organization.
The newest book in the library is Process, learn how to optimise the most important processes in your company and have them followed by all!