EOS Books from Amazon

EOS Books from Amazon

eOS® Leadership team - Reading list

Start with the best-selling book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business that shows you the benefit of EOS®, the Entrepreneurial Operating System® as the framework we use for companies with ten to hundreds of employees. What would it be like to have everyone share the same vision, have the right people in the right seats, know the numbers that drive your business, have meetings that actually solve issues, and instill accountability with every leader and every employee?

We recommend several other books as you continue your EOS® journey, including the the five books listed in your EOS® Leadership Manual. Let’s discuss what is best for your personal situation and your team.

Click any image to buy from Amazon and get started with these valuable resources. you can buy hardcopy, kindle, or audible versions.

Get a Grip: How to get everything you want from your business.

Rocket Fuel: The one essential combo that will get you more of what you want.

What the Heck is EOS?: A complete guide for employees on EOS.

How to be a Great Boss: Learn what it means to lead